3tablespoonsfresh lemon juiceabout 1/2 of a medium lemon
1tablespoonminced fresh Rosemary
Salt and pepper
Wash beets, trim off green tops leaving about 1/4-inch intact, but do not cut off the long tail and do not peel the beets.
Boil until tender but still slightly firm, about 20 to 30 minutes.
Drain the water from the beets and run cold water over them. When cool enough to handle, slip off the skins, cut off the top and tail. Cut into 1-inch cubes or slice them 1/4-inch thick.
In a skillet set over medium-high heat add the coconut oil and when it is hot add the beets and sauté for one or two minutes. Add the minced garlic and cook an additional 30 seconds until the garlic is fragrant.
Remove from the heat and add the rosemary and lemon juice. Toss to combine, transfer to a serving dish and serve hot.
The beet tops may be prepared the same method as cooking kale, chard or spinach. There are tons of nutrition to them and they are delicious.