This is an easy sourdough bread recipe using your natural sourdough starter. This can be baked in a dutch oven or on a sheet pan for equally great results.
Combine all the ingredients in the bowl and stir until it is a chunky, loosely combined dough.
Dump the dough onto a work surface and knead the dough with your hands until the dough is smooth. (Essentially, you are massaging the dough by stretching and pushing. This will help develop the gluten.) At this stage, it will be wet and sticky. Don’t add more flour or your finished bread will be dense and heavy. The dough will stick to your hands and feel messy but if you get your hands wet it won't stick as easily.
Place the dough into an oiled bowl. Cover the dough with plastic wrap or a towel and let it sit at room temperature for 3 to 6 hours (see notes) or in the refrigerator overnight. (A longer proof time in the fridge will give the bread a more tangy, sourdough flavor.)
Turn the dough out onto a work surface and knock the air out of it then form it into a round ball. (See notes)
Place the ball of dough into a proofing basket or any container that is the shape that you want your bread to be shaped. (See notes)
Let the dough rise again a second time for 3 to 6 hours** at room temperature until doubled in size. (Or you could let it rise in the fridge overnight for 12 to 15 hours-see notes).
Pre-heat the oven to 450°F. If you want to preheat your Dutch oven, place it in the oven for at least 30 minutes to heat up with the oven. It's an optional step but will give the bread some extra 'spring' (see notes).
When the oven is hot, tip the loaf of bread into a dutch oven or onto a baking sheet. Make a slash in the loaf with a sharp knife. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes. If you are using a Dutch oven, remove the lid after 20 minutes.
The amount of time needed for your bread to rise will vary depending on the temperature and humidity. You can slow the rise by placing it in the refrigerator and speed the rise by placing it in a warm room or a dehydrator. A slower fermentation time will help develop more complex flavors.
You will have more accurate measurements (and better results) if you weigh your ingredients with a scale.
When you knead and shape your dough, try not to add any flour to your countertop. Adding additional flour will create a denser and heavier bread. You can prevent the dough from sticking to your hands by getting your hands wet.
If you use a Brotform proofing basket or a tea towel in a bowl to shape your dough, give the basket or tea towel a very generous dusting of flour. Regular flour will absorb too much of the moisture and make the dough stick to the brotform. We recommend making a 50/50 blend of rice flour and all-purpose flour to dust your Brotform or tea towel.
A Dutch oven works very nicely to form a crusty bread but if you don't have one you can just bake the bread directly on a baking sheet or even on a hot pizza stone.
If you let the dough ferment in the fridge, you may not see a significant rise. If the dough does not rise enough while in the fridge, let it sit out at room temperature to rise further before placing it in the oven.
Tips for baking in a Dutch Oven:
Use parchment paper or spray the Dutch Oven with non-stick spray for easy removal.
For an extra burst of steam and a slightly higher rise, preheat the Dutch Oven for 30 minutes before placing the bread inside. Use caution when you transfer the dough to the hot Dutch oven as it is easy to burn yourself.
After the bread bakes for 30 minutes, remove the lid from the Dutch Oven and bake it the rest of the way without the lid.