large-flake sea salt (such as Maldon)such as Maldon, for sprinkling
Preheat the broiler and set oven rack in top position. Place parchment paper or aluminum foil on a rimmed baking sheet. Set a wire rack over the baking sheet.
Add the bacon slices to a large skillet set over medium heat. Fry the bacon just until the fat has been released and the bacon is partially cooked. Do not fry crisp, the bacon should be flexible. Transfer the bacon to a paper towel-lined plate to drain and cool.
Using a small appetizer spoon or the tip of a paring knife, push aside the pulp in the center of each halved fig to create a small hollow area. Drop a few thyme leaves or a thyme sprig into each hollowed fig half and place a piece of blue cheese on top. Press the cheese down slightly into the fig.
Wrap a strip of bacon around each filled fig half. Secure with toothpicks and trim off the excess bacon. Place on the wire rack of the prepared baking sheet.
Brush the warm honey over the top of each bacon-wrapped fig. Broil until the bacon gets crisp and brown, about 4 minutes. Sprinkle lightly with coarse sea salt and serve warm or room temperature
This recipe works best with thin-cut bacon. The thin-slices of bacon will crisp up in the broiler and keep the cheese from dripping out.
The bacon should be flexible and long enough to overlap by 1/2-inch in order to secure with a pick. Trim off the excess bacon with kitchen shears.
Excess bacon pieces can be stored in a small closable bag or lidded container for future use. Store in the refrigerator or freezer.
We used the large plump Brown Turkey figs but any fig can be used.
If using dried figs, soften them by simmering in water for a few minutes, then drain and pat dry. Cut an opening in the side, fill and wrap as per recipe.
This recipe works with dried pit-free dates as well.