Our einkorn coconut-curry risotto is made with einkorn wheat berries that give this twist on risotto a delightfully sweet, nutty flavor and a slightly chewy texture. Coconut milk, curry powder, raisins and aromatics all add to the complexity of this creamy risotto.
Place the wheat berries in a bowl, cover with warm water and add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Allow to soak for 8 hours or overnight. (If you don’t soak the berries you will need to increase the cooking time by another 20 to 25 minutes).
Heat a tablespoon of coconut oil in a large saucepan over medium high heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until soft.
Rinse and drain the Einkorn berries then add them to the saucepan. Add the curry powder, salt, coconut milk, chicken broth and raisins. Bring to a boil over high heat then reduce the heat to medium.
Cook over medium heat for 20 to 25 minutes, stirring occasionally at first then stir frequently as the liquid becomes absorbed.
Remove from the heat and transfer to a serving dish. Add fresh basil before serving.