Grilled Italian Sweet Peppers make an amazing side dish or you can add them to other recipes for a sweet, smokey flavor. You can eat them right after they get grilled or preserve them in a brine solution and they will keep for weeks.This recipe shows you how to preserve them whole in vinegar-based brine. These smoky tasting peppers are a great addition to a pasta recipe or included in an appetizer plate.
Prepare the grill to a medium high heat (about 400°F to 450°F) If you are using a pellet grill, we recommend Apple, Alder, or Cherry pellts.
While the grill heats up, rinse the peppers with cold water and wipe them dry with a paper towel, then brush them with the olive oil.
In a small saucepan, add the vinegar, water and salt and bring it to a boil then reduce the heat to simmer.
Add one-pint jar to a saucepan of water and bring to a boil to sterilize it. Reduce the heat to simmer and add the lid and screw band. Keep in the simmering water until needed.
When the grill is ready at medium-hot, arrange the peppers and allow them to get slightly charred and blistery, turning them as needed. Remove them from the grill and reserve.
With a jar lifter or tongs, carefully remove the sterilized jar from the boiling water and add the peppers to about one inch from the top of the jar. Add the vinegar, water and salt mixture to cover the peppers. Insert a table knife inside the jar between the jar and the peppers and run it all around the inside of the jar to release any air bubbles. Press down on the peppers, add more brine solution if needed to cover the peppers. There should be at least 1/2-inch of headspace between the peppers and the rim of the jar.
Wipe the rim of the jar with a damp paper towel, add the lid and screw band. Allow the jar of peppers to cool then keep them refrigerated.
When removing peppers from the jar, keep any remaining peppers covered with water.