Baked Pears with Ricotta

Warm and soft baked pears with ricotta and granola makes a delicious breakfast or healthy dessert. If you’re searching for a unique way to serve fruit at your next party or want something different from the usual oatmeal in the morning, try this nutritious dish! The recipe is easy to make, and you can prepare it ahead of time to save for later.

Ingredients Pears – 2 large ripe pears – Juice of 1/2 lemon Granola – 1 cup oats – 1/3 cup pecan nuts, chopped – 1/4 cup honey – 3 tablespoons melted butter – 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon – pinch of salt Ricotta Yogurt Cream – 3/4 cup ricotta – 1/4 cup Greek yogurt – 3 tablespoons honey – 1/4 teaspoon vanilla

1. Place the oats, pecans, honey, butter, cinnamon, and salt in a bowl. Mix well to combine. If the honey does not blend well, zap the mixture in the microwave to melt the honey so you can stir the mixture easily.

Step 1

1. Fill the cavities of the pear halves with the granola. Scatter the extra granola in the baking dish and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the pears are softened.

Step 2

1. Combine the ricotta, yogurt, vanilla, and honey in a bowl. Cover and set in the refrigerator until the pears are ready. Serve the ricotta cream with warm pears.

– Use a melon baller or cookies scoop to scoop out the core of the pears.

Bake pears with ricotta is a fast and easy way to enjoy a healthy breakfast or dessert. The ricotta has a hint of vanilla and honey that pairs perfectly with the sweetness of the baked pears.

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