French Apple Cake Recipe

This French apple cake recipe is like a magical combination of custard, pie, and cake. It's loaded with juicy apples, creamy butter, and a secret ingredient (spoiler: it's rum!). Trust me, this sweet French cake is super yummy and surprisingly simple to make.

– Dry ingredients: All-purpose flour, Baking powder, Salt, Sugar – Apples – Eggs – Rum and Pure vanilla extract – Butter use a variety of types of apples to ensure a well-rounded flavor in the cake.

I use an apple-peeler-corer to make fast work of prepping the apples for this recipe, but you can also simply peel and slice them thinly. The key is to have thin, even slices of apple so that they bake into a soft, custard-like texture within the cake.

1. First, grab a big bowl and whisk those eggs until they get all foamy, usually around 1-2 minutes. Then, pour in the sugar, rum, and vanilla and give it another whisk for about a minute.

Whisk in half of the flour mixture until it's well-blended. Then, blend in half of the melted butter. Repeat the process with the remaining flour and butter, and keep blending until it becomes smooth.

– Gently fold in the sliced apples, making sure they're fully coated with the batter. Then, pour the mixture into the prepared pan.

– Smooth out the batter, then pop it in the pre-heated oven. Bake until the cake turns a lovely golden brown and when you poke the middle with a toothpick or knife, it comes out clean without any batter sticking to it.

Not only is this French apple cake delicious, but it's also an excellent way to use up any extra apples you may have lying around. And with only ten ingredients, most of which are pantry staples, you can whip up this tasty treat without having to make a trip to the store.

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