Candied Walnuts

These brown sugar walnuts are so fast and easy to make. This recipe makes a great gift idea for the holidays and everyone loves candied nuts. Use them as a snack  or add them to salads and baked goods

You only need 4 ingredients for this recipe: 1. walnuts 2. brown sugar 3. butter 4. salt


1. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper and set it close by you. 2. Place walnuts, sugar, butter, and salt in a non-stick skillet over medium heat. Cook, stirring frequently, until sugar melts and becomes syrupy on the bottom of the skillet. Continue stirring constantly for 4-5 minutes.

1. Remove the skillet from the heat and tip the walnuts onto the parchment paper. 2. Spread the walnuts in a single layer with a fork, breaking them apart to prevent touching. Once cooled, transfer to a dish.

These candied walnuts are not just for snacking. – Add them to granola. – Stir them into oatmeal. – Package them as gifts for the holidays.

Candied walnuts can add a unique twist to savory dishes as well. – Add them to a tossed green salad. – Toss them with roasted vegetables. – Use finely chopped mixed with Parmesan cheese and olive oil as a crust for baked salmon.

You can also add brown sugar walnuts to baked goods. Here are some ideas. – Stir them into cookie dough. – Fold them into banana bread. – Mix them into brownie batter.

And there you have it! An easy candied walnut recipe. Whether sprinkled over a vibrant salad, stirred into your morning oatmeal, or added to your favorite baked goods like cookies and banana bread, you need these candied walnuts in your pantry.

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